Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reefs Unknown?

Reefs Unknown is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization founded in 2021, dedicated to exploring, researching, and conserving coral reefs throughout the Caribbean and the world. We focus primarily on the unique deep coral reef ecosystems called mesophotic reefs.

What is a mesophotic reef?

A mesophotic reef is a coral reef that exists beyond the limits of recreational scuba diving. These deep corals still rely on light for photosynthesis like shallow corals, but have different traits and adaptations because of the low light and temperature. The boundary depths where these reefs start and end are fuzzy, and often vary depending on the location, but are usually in the range of about 100 feet to 500 feet deep. They are well-studied in the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Red Sea, the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, Hawaii, and other locations. Mesophotic reefs can be found in many places you can find shallow coral reefs, but in many areas we don't know where they exist simply because we haven't looked.

How similar are mesophotic reefs and shallow reefs?

In some locations, mesophotic reefs can look somewhat similar to shallow reefs, with some generalist species of fish and coral living in both locations. These species, however, usually have adaptations that allow them to live in the different conditions of the deep. In other locations, shallow and deep reefs can look completely different, with depth-specialist species of fish and coral that are not found shallow.

Why are mesophotic reefs important?

Fisheries, food, and conservation are all areas where mesophotic reefs can play a role. These ecosystems are usually farther from human impacts than shallow reefs, meaning they have fewer stressors. Because they are more removed from humans, they can be healthier ecosystems that support fish. Sustainable fish populations are key to healthy ocenas, as well as sustainable food for humans.

Why do we need to study mesophotic reefs?

How can you manage a resource if you don't know where it is? We know that many fish consumed around the Caribbean are caught from mesophotic reefs, but we don't know how many more are out there (we suspect there are a lot), or the health condition of the reefs that support them.

Who is on your team?

Viktor and Sarah, our co-founders, have extensive experience researching mesophotic reefs in the US Virgin Islands, specializing in coral and fish, respectively. They started Reefs Unknown to bring their knowledge to other locations where mesophotic reefs are not well-studied.

Our board of directors has a diversity of background knowledge in non-profit management and marine science work.

Our science advisory board comprises accomplished coral reef scientists who help guide our scientific efforts.

What are you working on right now?

We are planning a mission in partnership with NOAA and the University of the Virgin Islands to complete deep fish surveys in the Florida Keys. This is an expansion of an ongoing project in the US Virgin Islands called the Deep Coral Reef Monitoring Program, or DCRMP. To learn more, read our blog post about the proposed project.

How can I get involved?

We are currently a small organization, but we have big dreams. We are in the midst of planning our first missions. The best way you can help us right now would be to support us in the form of a donation. Please click here to donate. If you have advice, connections, or other ideas you'd like to share please reach out.

How will my donation be used?

All donations made are tax-deductible and will directly fund our missions and infrastructure costs. Your contribution will help advance human knowledge of mesophotic reefs, inform conservation best-practices, and bring these amazing ecosystems closer to ocean enthusiasts everywhere.

Why do you do this work?

Watch Viktor’s talk from TEDxSaintThomas 2017, embedded below.